March 31, 2013

easter reflections

'salvation is here, salvation is here and it lives in me. salvation is here, 'cause you are alive and you live in me!'

it wasn't until recently that i realized easter is one of my favorite holidays - the most significant, powerful, and moving of celebrations. christmas is definitely one of my favorite holiday seasons, but easter, in and of itself, is truly life-changing. 

i am so thankful for the oneness we have in Christ, for His willingness to give up His life so that we could have life in Him, that we could be one with Him and the Father. that is powerful. He lives in us, and we live our life through Him, and if we always lived in that reality - how transformative would life be? 

i am thankful for redemption, for freedom, for peace, and for hope. i am overwhelmed by the selfless love Christ reflected toward us. a man who had done no wrong, who lived in constant communion with God...who then willingly suffered separation from God, laid the weight of our sin on His shoulders, endured torment and suffering, and intentionally laid Himself upon the cross for all mankind. 

then there was mourning, grief, silence. 

the promised King was defeated, crushed by death's blows. hope was lost. those who followed Him, lived with Him, honored Him as their Savior fled, hid, wept, and despaired. 

yet, when Satan delivered his final blow and it seemed death had won, then Jesus retaliated. in power, in mystery, in might. 'o death, where is your sting? o grave, where is your victory?' what an earth-shattering day. we serve a God who is alive, who lives in us, who gives us life. 

i love that God is a lover of fellowship and community. and i love the abounding joy that hums throughout the church on Easter morning. everyone is dressed in their best. greetings of, "He is risen!" echo throughout the halls. this day changed everything. 

today, Travis and i celebrated with each other and with those we love. it was a joy to see old friends at church, to have lunch with family, and enjoy an afternoon of rest. even this morning, while Travis was rehearsing for morning worship, i stole a few quiet moments at Starbucks. my heart was reflective and contemplative, moved by Jesus. i soaked in the stillness. relished in the peace. 

today was full of love, affection, and joy, and i love those days. i love that we have been given the ability to love, because God Himself is love. He cannot be anything but love. i love the simple joys of getting dressed up and walking to church with my husband to be, hand in hand, with overflowing hearts. i love extra time to make french toast and eat in the stillness of the morning. today is simply good. so good that i had to just write a blurb. even if it doesn't make sense, it will remind me of today's deep significance and all its simple pleasures. 

happy easter, friends. 

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