September 23, 2011

new ideas & inspirations!

first post in over 2 months - what happened?!

this semester, i seriously want to revamp certain parts of my life, and try some new things as well.

#1 : do at least one, if not more, DIY crafts - like these fun fabric rosettes. i'm obsessed.

#2: blog stalk & be inspired. there are so many talented creatives out there, & their work makes me smile! p.s. if you're looking for [another] time-waster, check out weddinggawker, craftgawker, dwelling gawker, and foodgawker! weddings, home design, DIY crafts, and delicious new recipes - could i ask for more?

#3: play around with my new SLR like no one's business - AND most importantly, pursue photography more intentionally. stalk other photographers, seek tips/lessons, and assail everyone i know with some camera lovin. they will hate me for it.

#4: revamp this blog. i want it to be filled not only with my thoughts, but memories of my days. whether it's photography, lessons learned, bragging about those i love, or spreading awareness, this is going to be a place where i can look back at my favorite memories and always recognize what a truly blessed and lucky girl i am! and the title is changing too...still working on it.

#5: start a book of wedding ideas. calm down, i'm NOT planning my wedding yet, but when i get there, i want to be a little prepared - themes, dresses, colors, decor, photo ideas - you know, all those girly/wedding things i love so much. AND if maybe maybe in my life to come i'm a wedding photographer, i need to be in on the wedding world too, right? right.

that's all. and before i head out for a fun night of ROCK CLIMBING and spending time with the leadership staff, i'm going to lose myself in looking for a new blog look.

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