May 10, 2011

[james 1:17]

dear God,

thank you for today. thank you for a refreshing morning spent with you. thank you for unconditional love - a love that forgives, forgets, and never fails. thank you for the simple truth of your word, that it is new every morning. thank you for answering prayer, for today, i saw you, felt you, & heard you. so often, i think we simply forget to talk to you and ask you for opportunity, and i am sorry for simply taking you for granted. thank you for the Holy Spirit, who nudges our hearts and never lets us go. thank you for the simple things in life...for sunshine & cool breezes, for smiles & laughs, for quiet moments in the midst of the chaos.

you are rejuvenating (along with power naps), and i thank you for all the lessons you've taught me this past semester - for constantly reminding me that life is bigger than what i see, that my life is not meant for me, and that the big picture is so much more than the busy-ness of the moment. thank you for friends, for people whose hearts are soft towards you and who reflect your beauty in their lives. thank you for inspiration. thank you for a peace that passes all understanding. thank you for your Word, which today, reminded me to be persistent,boldly live my faith through action, and embrace humility, and which reinforced humility, obedience, confession, & community.

thank you for half off starbucks fraps, adele, power naps, humorous teachers, and energy when i least expected it. and that thank you is genuine, for i know that i am blessed beyond imagination, and often take it for granted. even in the daily grind, you are at the heart of everything - forgive me for forgetting that.

thank you for blessing me with a wonderful boy & allowing me to date my best friend...may we always honor you in everything that we do. thank you for friends...may i be a good steward of those friendships, pray for opportunities to love on those who don't know you, and be selfless in my love toward them. thank you for a family that's constantly growing - growing up, growing in numbers, growing in love, growing in You. thank you for a mother whose strength and selflessness absolutely floor day, i hope to pay her love forward to my own. thank you for a dad who, though his life was cut short, left a legacy that reflected unending love and a life lived for You.

ultimately, thank you for life in you. for unceasing joy and hope. draw near to me God, as i draw nearer to you.

i love you Father...thank you for loving me, choosing me, and saving me.

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