December 27, 2013

2013 end of year goals

happy friday, friends and happy christmas from our home to yours. i hope you had a special holiday filled with the people and the things you love - it truly is the most wonderful time of the year! 

the end of the year always has a sacred feel about it. as if i'm finishing a marathon and mentally gearing up for a fresh start. honestly, this year has brought about innumerable changes and many challenges. it has been the most exciting year of our life, but at times it has also been the most stressful. as we look back on where we've grown and where we've fallen short, we're praying about changes to make in the new year, changes that will allow us to thrive exactly where God wants us to be. it's going to be a big year, but we're not quite sure what it will look like yet. at the moment, we're a little beat, a little burnt out, and ready for something new. the never-ending busyness is hard to keep up with, you know? we're all about re-evaluating and making new things happen, and that's exactly what we'll be doing in the coming weeks. for now, in the last 4 days of 2013, there are a few things i'd like to tackle and sort away before we ring in 2014 - wish this girl luck! 

end of the year goals: 

have my wedding gown professionally cleaned (it's been hanging in my closet for months now - how does time fly so quickly?!) 

finish wedding thank you's (see above note about time flying and these past few months being stupid busy) 

get on top of our 2013 finances and start the new year fresh

make time for some business planning and create 2014 goals

finish blogging all 2013 sessions

filter through 2013 sessions, sort, delete, and back up

fill out that 2014 calendar

design & mail happy new year cards to friends and clients

slow down, reflect, and prepare for the upcoming year

considering there are only 4 days left in this year, i think that's enough for now. i'm trying to create smaller, more manageable lists and actually accomplish everything i set out to do. often i spend too much time creating a list and then find myself exhausted by task 3 or 4. by the end of the day, i feel unproductive, unaccomplished, and overwhelmed by the things that are left to do. so, here's to using the next 96 hours wisely: getting ish done, making time for quiet and rest, sleeping, spending time with friends, and ringing in the new year! 

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