April 24, 2014


this year has seen a lot of great things happen, and my friendship with this girl has been one of the best. at the end of last year, i was praying hard for girlfriends i could connect with on an authentic level. i was, and still am, a newlywed wife, and i desperately desired relationship with other young women who could relate to the lessons i was learning and the changes travis and i were experiencing. i prayed for women who would be encouraging and truthful, honest and real. since the beginning of the year, Brooke, our sweet friend Sawyer (whose blog you can find here), and I have been meeting weekly, and it's been the biggest blessing. 

this beautiful girl is graduating next month, so we walked around her neighborhood and documented this exciting season of her life. it was low-key and simple, and i just love the results - who needs anything fancy when your face looks this good, amiright?! 

p.s. the man behind all of Brooke's big beautiful smiles also joined us, and i can't wait to share images of my two favorite lovebirds! stay tuned! 

happy almost graduation, brooke! i am already praying over the exciting things God has in store for you + Greg (and i'm secretly praying He keeps you two around!). you are a gift to me, and i'm so lucky to walk through this season of life with a friend like you! 

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